Protecting Your Privacy Online: Strategies for Avoiding Online Surveillance

Protecting Your Privacy Online: Strategies for Avoiding Online Surveillance


You've probably heard the saying that your online presence is like a digital footprint. But what does that mean, exactly? It means that if someone wants to find you, they can. Whether it's from a stalker or an employer looking for dirt on their employee—or just someone who wants to know what you're up to at all times—there are plenty of ways for people to track you down online.

Worried about being spied on? Here’s how to disappear from the internet:

  • Don’t forget to change your passwords.

  • Don't share too much information online.

  • Be careful about who you follow on social media, or what websites you visit (or don’t).

  • Think twice before clicking on a link in an email or on social media as well as anything else that could pose a threat to your privacy and security.

If you’re using a public computer, make sure to log out of your accounts. If a website requires you to enter personal information, only do so when connected to your home network or on a trusted device. The best way to protect yourself online is by using strong passwords. It’s also important to enable two-factor verification whenever possible.

Many websites and apps offer two-factor authentication, which can add a layer of security to your accounts.

Realistically, your information is really out there

Like it or not, your information is out there. The truth is that if you want to hide from the internet and its digital footprint, you can't really do it. The internet has become an integral part of our lives—it's a part of what we do and how we communicate with others. You can't hide from yourself either; even when you're not online, your thoughts are being stored on servers somewhere in cyberspace (or sometimes even more specifically on your hard drive).

And while I'm sure there will come a day when spying technologies become obsolete—when they're no longer needed because we've learned how to live without them—that day isn't here yet!

You're most likely being followed by Google

The first thing to remember is that you are being tracked. Google tracks your location, searches, email and voice searches. They also monitor your Youtube History, Gmail Activity and Google+ activity.

The next step is to know how they do this so you can avoid them doing it again in the future.

It's hard to hide but it's not impossible

It's hard to hide, but not impossible. There are ways to hide your data from spying eyes and you can do it by using a VPN, encrypting your files and changing passwords.

Don't forget your online accounts

You can't hide from the government, but you can take some steps to make sure your communications are secure.

  • Don't use public computers or Wi-Fi connections. If you're trying to stay off grid, use a burner phone or VPN when possible.

  • Use encryption software instead of regular email services such as Gmail and Yahoo! Mail—the former is more secure than the latter because it encrypts all messages before they're sent out into the world (gotta love those spies!). You should also consider switching up your passwords so that they're harder for hackers to crack; there's no better time than now!

Consider using a VPN

A VPN is a Virtual Private Network. It encrypts data and makes it harder to read by others, which can help hide your IP address, access blocked sites and more.

  • Free VPNs: These are easy to use but they don't offer the same level of security as paid ones. Most free VPNs require that you pay for the service after using it for a certain period of time (usually 30 days).

  • Paid VPNs: These are more secure than free ones but also cost more money up front. You can usually find paid services with monthly plans or yearly contracts; however, if you're looking just for short-term protection from spying eyes then one month might be enough!

Encrypting your data will help you hide

Encryption is the process of encoding data in such a way that only authorized parties can access it. It’s used to protect data from unauthorized access and can be done by either scrambling or encoding your information. Encryption offers many benefits, including privacy and security.

If you want to keep your personal information private while using public Wi-Fi or on websites such as social media sites or email accounts, encryption is an excellent solution for protecting your sensitive information from prying eyes. You can use either password cracking tools (which are used for recovering passwords) or key generation tools (which create keys).

Delete or adjust what you post online and be wary of your following

If you have a social media account, consider deleting it. In addition to deleting your personal accounts, you can also adjust the privacy settings on them so that only people you choose will see updates.

If you have an email address and phone number, change them as well. This will prevent anyone from finding out where they are located or how to contact them if they want to make contact with you in person (or electronically).

Change your passwords

  • Change your passwords frequently. It's important to be aware of the security risks associated with not changing your password often enough, but it's also important to remember that your online accounts aren't all equally secure. If you have one account for banking and another for shopping, for example, there's only so much protection you can gain from having a strong password (especially if both are in the same place).

  • Use a password manager. A tool like 1Password will help keep track of all your different passwords while making sure they're unique and strong enough against hackers attempting to crack them—and it keeps them safe from being written down anywhere!

  • Make sure each one is unique! Don't use the same password twice on different sites/apps; even though it may seem like an obvious thing to do now knowing how easy it is today with technology being so advanced nowadays...

You may be able to hide sometimes but realistically, you can't disappear.

You may be able to hide sometimes, but realistically, you can't disappear. The best way to protect yourself is by taking steps that make it harder for people to find you and track your movements.

For example:

  • Use a burner phone or throw away your old one immediately if possible (and don't keep any incriminating photos or videos on it)

  • Don't use the same computer at work as at home—if they're not using them together they won't be able to connect them together. If they're going against their policy, then find another job!


If you’re looking for a way to hide from the internet, there are some things you can do. You can use a VPN or even encrypt your data but ultimately this is only a temporary solution. The best thing to do is make sure that you don’t put yourself at risk by posting personal information online and follow common internet etiquette guidelines like not sharing too much about yourself online or going out of your way to be seen by others.

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